Ruslan Nuriyev
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 33% Baku
- 33% Sabunchu
- 33% Others
Property Type
- 33% New buildings
- 33% Residential
- 33% Others
Property Status
- 33% For Rent
- 67% Others
4-room apartment for sale near…
By Руслан Нуриев
Rent for long term 2…
AZN1,600 per month
By Руслан Нуриев
For rent 1 bedroom apartment…
AZN1,100 per month
By Руслан Нуриев
A 5-room apartment is for…
AZN2,600 per month
By Руслан Нуриев
A 3-room apartment is for…
By Руслан Нуриев
A 3-room apartment is for…
AZN1,700 per month
By Руслан Нуриев
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Ruslan Nuriyev